渋幕 essay writing の予想問題演習


渋幕 essay writing の予想問題演習




Do you think “reading books” will not be popular in the future?



Reading has never been popular in human history. Since human separated from apes, one of the distinctive features of human race is that human beings have words. To put this fact differently, human beings passed down stories in oral format.

Therefore a large portion of reading has been done orally not in printed materials. In conclusion, books has never been popular and with the prevailing smart phones, ever strong tendency to oral communication will expand.


The popularity of books will continue. Recent smart phones enabled people to read whenever they want to, and wherever they desire to. This expansion of portable devices is certain to increase the total sum of time people spend on reading.

As a reminder, smart phone texts and articles, even if they are SNS posts, still amounts to books if we stack them up and bind together. In conclusion, time spent on reading is certain to sky rocket.


Most people would insist the time on reading is sure to decline. They draw this prospect from the fact that most people own personal electronic devices, in most cases smart phones, at least tablets and PCs. They point out ultimately these electronic reading will replace traditional book reading.

Shallow perspective!

The reality is the more you get engaged in electronic devices, the more you tend to read printed books. The reason is concrete set of opinions, academic research results and historical insights are rather sorted out in the form of hard cover books and these collective wisdoms are still rare on the web, or digital format. To summarize, the books will keep being widely read contrary to general prediction.





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