配点30点をIntegrated Writing とIndependent Writingの2問に配分しています。受験生は2つを順番に解くことで、採点を経て、得点で評価されます。
TOEFL® のIntegrated Writingで高い評価を得る書き方
Integrated Writing 問題は、まず受験生が問題用紙に英文で書かれた概要文を3分かけて黙読します。その後に3分間の英語による講義音声が流れるのを聞き取ります。最後に、20分かけて英文150語から225語でResponse Writing を仕上げます。
Reading 3分
Directions 3分程度
Response Writing 20分を150語から225語で
Directions: Give yourself 3 minutes to read the passage.
Reading Time: 3 minutes
Modern history is illustrated with skyscrapers made of steel. Apparently, industrialization has accelerated the implementation of steel into building durable and long-lasting structures. Simply put, steel has kept its dominant position for centuries. Recently slowly but steadily a new trend has given rise. Wooden buildings are gaining height as well as market share. Five-story wooden buildings are fast becoming familiar among construction corporations and housing companies. The first feature, as a consequence of an increase in wooden material demand rises, so does the consumption of lumber increase. The vast number of trees needs to be cut down and alter their outlook into pillars of all kinds, walls, and ceilings. The use of steel in new architectures is limited to as least amount as possible.
The second effect is the call for construction workers. A severe labor shortage is even estimated in the years to come in this field to everyone’s surprise. A slight number of construction workers have been constantly off to meet the demand, as widely known. Compared with buildings mainly using steel, wooden structures consisting mostly of woods require complicated handcrafting. As a result, the construction period extends in most cases 30% longer than that with steel. It is precise to say that workers either have to be newly hired or work longer.
Thirdly, the moment new structures are put in actual use, they are sure to attract the attention of the general public. TV reporters gather to broadcast the impressive scenery, newspapers surely write reports, and magazine writers never miss to cover in their publications. Spectators and tourists flock to see the buildings to boast their reviews which is full of astonishment. The economic effect brought by wooden construction is too little to be ignored and its popularity further stimulates the local community.
Directions: listen to the transcript.
Directions: Give yourself 20 minutes to plan and write your response. Your response is judged on the quality of the writing and on how well it presents the points in the lecture and their relationship to the reading passage. Typically, an effective response will be 150 to 225 words. You may view the reading passage while you respond.
Response time: 20 minutes
Question: Summarize the points made in the lecture, being sure to explain how they cast doubt on specific points made in the reading passage.
解き方のコツは、Reading の要点が3つとデフォで定められているので、整理しておくこと。端末(パソコン)の画面上で解くので、紙と違い、すごくメモを取るのが困難です。
TOEFL® のIndependent Writingで質の高い答案を書く方法
例) Riding bicycles on pavements should not be allowed. Bicycles must run on car lanes.
Give your opinion on the above topic.
1) 賛成か反対かを決めます。
2) 結論の英文をメモします。
3) 反対意見を構成します。
4) 自説の根拠を3つ箇条書きで書き出します。
5) メモ全体のバランスを確認します。
6) 英文を一気に書き上げます。
7) 自分が書いた英文を見直します。
TOEFL independent writing 問題の例(予想問題)
TOEFL ライティングの出題にはバリエーションがあるので、柔軟に答案を書く練習を重ねていくことになります。予想問題を作成しました。イメージが湧くように設問の
1) People read books for various reasons (for example, to look for new knowledge, find answers to questions, enjoying their free time). Why do you think people read books? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
2) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Experience is the best teacher. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
3) Nowadays, communicating with friends has become easier than before. Has this change made the lives of people better? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
4) It has been said, ”Honesty is the best policy.” Compare and contrast being strict with being honest. In your opinion, which is better? Why?
5) A new city hospital is being planned to open near your community. Discuss the advantages and disadvantageous of this new plan on your community. Do you support or oppose the hospital? Explain your position.
まとめ、Integrated WritingとIndependent Writingを均等に対策すると高得点に
2つのソースを対比させて書くIntegrated Writingは対策をしても自分の成長を感じることが難しいですが、何回も書いて、音源を聞いて、自分の答案を磨く練習をすると必ず、クオリティが向上します。苦しさ、辛さはレベルが上がっている証拠と考えて対策を続けてみて下さい。ある日、突然、スコアが上がります。
同様に、Independent Writingも多くの問題にあたって答案を書いてみることで得点力が向上します。
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