
中学受験 英語入試





冒頭に脱線話を書いておきます。I wrote this article for those passionate parents (and supporters?) revisiting my site. Thank you for reading, I would like to give my best regards.






A boarding school brochure

My personal goal is to think, act, and communicate actively. Of the three goals I have set, the prime objective is communicating in active attitude toward strangers. In other words toward those who don’t know me at all. First and for most, it is essential that I begin with describing in detail my personal experience. Back in 2017, it was far before covid19 was even around, I was eagerly looking for summer school destination. Why? I wanted to find an academic, private school where I can achieve tailored educational experience.

Then and there, I found a boarding school which most of Japanese haven’t even heard of, much less known its existence. It was at that time something lit in my brain! Yes. A feeling of finding hidden treasure. Suddenly another side of me whispered to me. “Be aware.” I had to sit down and rethink about myself. Alas! What I was looking for was a “unique” learning no one else has engaged in. I politely asked for a brochure of the boarding school and headed home skipping.

Full of excitement, I read through the boarding school booklet, and reached the conclusion however. The vital element I am in decent need is to think, for twelve year olds to study hard and increase the amount of knowledge stored in my brain, lots of memorizing expressed in typical phrase. Also, those critical would blame me for supporting typical Japanese education system. No. That’s not the point. In my opinion, an average Japanese twelve year old still lacks knowledge. We have to memorize, to be precise, first things first. It is only after memorizing sufficient amount of facts that we should ~. Only after memorizing sufficient amount of facts should we start tackling with Western ways of learning. This is the conclusion I reached after reading through the boarding school brochure.

In the title, I stated three elements: think, act and communicate. Nonetheless, the actual process would be communicate, act to communicate further and think to act, the reverse order is the truth.

Looking back at my boarding school brochure experience, I reached the conclusion that I would like to deepen my academic effort to prepare for studying abroad in the future. Therefore the boarding school brochure gave me the largest impact on me.


書き終えてから、微妙に単語を入れ替えて、プラス9分、合計37分 modify しましたが、効果は限定的に感じています。28分で止めても採点者にとっては代り映えしないことでしょう。自画自賛にも、なってないですよ。





think, act, communicate を冒頭で思い付いて書き出しに採用しました。この順番で150語程度書いて、逆説の接続詞(代表的な語は、However )を登場させて反転させ、残り150語を書いて、まとめに入る構想でした。



エッセイライティング 講師も書いてみる Day.2

英語 エッセイ 書き方、上級レベルまで初心者から

エッセイを英語で書くのが難しいことを痛感しています。200語を超えると書きにくくなることを実感します。ストイックに英語 エッセイ書き方をまとめて評価が高い英文を書くコツ、英文のレベルを上げる方法について説明しています。

ここから下は余談、雑談です(ムダ話し、in precise Japanese)




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